
Why Small Businesses Should Invest in Content Marketing

Why Small Businesses Should Invest in Content Marketing

When you’re a small business you may often feel like a little fish in a big pond. If that sounds like you, we get it. It’s hard to not feel that way when your budget and scale might not look the same as some of your larger competitors. Whether you’re a business that is just launching, or an established small business looking to grow, content marketing is your perfect solution. Let’s explore why small businesses should invest in content marketing.

Why Small Businesses Should Invest in Content Marketing

Focused on putting the customer first and staying up to date with the current market trends, content marketing allows for your small business to target your customers in real-time, at a much lower cost than a larger scale marketing plan. With more people using ad blockers, skipping commercials, and unsubscribing to mass emails, content marketing’s strategy of working in partnership with customers is a desirable alternative. Instead of the ad methods of the past, this focuses on social media, personalized emails, blogs, texts, podcast commercials, videos, tweets, and more! All of this allows for you to have a stronger relationship and presence with your consumers. By doing this, you’re capturing your customer’s attention and their engagement with your business will skyrocket. With more people spending their days working behind computer and phone screens, why wouldn’t businesses alter their strategy and bring content to where their customers are?

Check out these six ways content marketing will benefit your small business.

1.) Content marketing is affordable for all businesses.

Regardless of your company size, no one wants to take on a large expense. This is especially true for smaller businesses where you know your company’s finances inside and out. The biggest draw of content marketing is that it is incredibly affordable. Since this doesn’t include large-scale marketing campaigns, the costs are significantly lower – over 60% less than your typical marketing expenses ! When you’re focused on marketing for the consumer, you aren’t paying for word of mouth advertising and retweets, or reshares – which makes a huge difference with your budget!

2.) Content marketing will grow your brand awareness.

Have you ever noticed that when you look at one website you then start receiving ads for other similar websites? By using algorithms, many websites offer you ads that are directly aligned with what you have been interested in previously. This is content marketing and it is providing visibility of your brand to like-minded customers. Customers can share whatever drew them in with their networks, expanding your reach and providing you with more possible leads for new customers.

3.) Content marketing allows you to establish credibility.

The customers that follow you on social media, subscribe to your updates or read a featured blog post are customers that want to hear from you. Content marketing allows you to have a direct channel and line of communication to your consumers to hear what they want and like. Those customers will then return to those same channels when they want more information. These customers will see you as a credible resource to them and you can nurture that relationship, building trust.

4.) Content marketing will help drive sales and increase traffic.

By using content marketing, you could see your leads increase dramatically more than with other marketing strategies, that can easily convert potential customers into actual customers. How does this happen? First, it’s easier to engage a larger audience at no additional cost to you with consumers resharing content. Secondly, it doesn’t matter your company size when it comes to being visible on the web – all you need to do is keep a steady flow of recent website material or posts, and you’ll continue to pop up in Google searches, increasing your business’s traffic!

5.) Content marketing promotes thought leadership.

When you utilize content marketing you are thinking creatively. You’re focusing on your customer base on a personal level and giving them the content that they want. When you do this, you’re seen as a leader. You’re helping your customers with your industry insight and knowledge, and you become their go-to person in your area of expertise.

6.) Content marketing provides value to both the clients and the customer.

By providing customer-driven content, you are attracting their attention to your business. When you utilize personalized content, customers feel valued and feel like you remember them on a personal level. This will turn them into loyal customers which can also turn into your biggest marketing tool!

Content marketing allows for you to target the right customers where they are, at a time that is convenient for them, on a personal level. Your most important first step is to find out what works for you and your business’s audience. We at Breezy Content can help you identify this. Reach out today to get started on creating a content marketing plan with us!

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