
Tips for Creating a Killer Lead Magnet

It can be difficult to know how to attract your audience. Businesses often spend a majority of their marketing budget creating ways that will engage an audience and create widespread brand awareness. When they do invest in a lead magnet , businesses don’t always see consumers take action and become qualified leads—even if the businesses’ solutions align with the prospective clients’ needs.

Why is that?

How can you create an effective lead magnet that will surpass wary consumers’ barriers and give you that quality brand exposure that your business needs to sustainably grow?

Better yet—how do you keep your prospective customers keep coming back to engage with your content?

Lead magnets that work and why:


We all know here that a lot of free PDF downloads don’t actually get downloaded by consumers. However, if the eBook is truly full of quality content and value to the potential lead, it is a killer lead magnet!

Tons of businesses and companies still use free eBooks—and successfully. Since consumers have been overloaded with this type of lead magnet, it’s crucial that every time you create and promote one, that it is actually full of helpful information, rich content that helps your audience problem solve, and makes them feel like downloading and reading your eBook or Guide was a valuable use of their time. Consumers still want to find a solution to one of their problems in a condensed and simple format and largely, they’re still willing to do it in exchange for their contact info. But, don’t slop together a couple of thoughts and call it an eBook. It needs to actually be helpful to have them coming back for more.

Takeaway: Make sure your eGuide/book is full of rich, valuable content that actually solves a problem for your audience.

Killer Lead Magnet

Some of your business’s services or products may complement the creation of a checklist for your audience. This is a fast, easy piece of content to create that will help your prospective client achieve their goals; it is no wonder that this is a popular lead magnet. When creating your checklist, be sure to include your business’s branding. Additionally, keep in mind how you might present the content within the checklist that may necessitate the usage of your business’s offers. Don’t forget to make the checklist user friendly with a fillable PDF or another platform that will allow them to actually check off items on their list.

Takeaway: Make your checklist helpful to a process your customer needs to go through, make it visually appealing, and easy to use.

Email Series

Where does your business have the most expertise? Offer some of this expertise to your prospective clients via a week-long (or longer!) email series. In order to receive your valuable insight that may fulfill one of their needs, your leads would have to input their contact information and sign up for future communication. While it can be quite a bit of work on your part to consistently create several days’ worth of quality content, you should see quality and warm leads convert much more quickly by putting in the work ahead of time to create emails that actually benefit the person receiving them and not just pushing your own offering.

When creating your content, be sure to connect it back to your business’s offerings—but don’t sound too sales-y and turn your potential clients off. Place your call-to-action at the end of each email as a short “P.S.” This feels markedly less pushy for potential leads than telling your business’s story throughout the piece.

Takeaway: Make sure each email is quick but offers something helpful to your audience. Save the CTA for the end.

Note that all of these lead magnets are free. The reason for this is that you want to give value to your clients without first asking them to act. If you force your products or services on them without first enticing them to your brand and building a relationship of trust, no matter how qualified and warm your leads are, they will not be interested in learning more.

Last Lead Magnet Tip

When creating your lead magnet, keep in mind where that content is going to live.You should consider the most visible page on your website, your homepage. By designing a pop-up form that complements your lead magnet, you are likely to gain more awareness for your free value ad. Also, consider the idea of a content hub. A page or space on your site where or where particular ideas and keywords are grouped together for maximum impact.

Want to learn more about creating on-going engaging content for your brand or business? Download our free guide – How to Create On-Going Content When You Don’t Have Time To.

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