
Twitter Removes the Crop Feature: What You Need to Know

twitter update

Twitter made one of the biggest updates to their social media platform yet when they removed the crop feature on Wednesday. Twitter users quickly took to celebrating the update that eliminated the frustrating crop feature, especially artists on the platform. To learn everything you need to know about the Twitter update, what prompted it, and where to see the action, read on below!

About The Twitter Update

Back in March Twitter had rolled out a test of larger, uncropped pictures into user’s feeds, improving the image experience for users. Now they’ve declared these tests a success and have officially made it so that images show up in user’s feeds uncropped, making huge improvements to the way that images are seen and posted. This means that now when users post a photo with their IOS or Andriod device, the image will show up in its entirety. In addition, users will get to preview their image before posting to ensure that they’re confident in the final result.

This is quite the improvement from before when users would cross their fingers before posting an image and hope that the image looked okay in their feed once posted despite being cropped. This crop was often referred to as ‘The Twitter Crop’ by long-term posters on the platform.

Although Twitter says that some tall or wide images may still experience cropping, they say that they’re working on improving that as well. It seems that they’re working to improve all areas on their platforms when it comes to images being seen in timelines, and users couldn’t be happier. Artists and cartoonists that promote their work on the platform are especially pleased with the update since now their work can be shown without the fear of it being messed up by being cropped.

“No bird too tall, no crop too short,” The Tweet from Twitter announcing the change said, “Introducing bigger and better images on iOS and Android, now available to everyone.”

What Prompted The Update

“Today’s launch is a direct result of the feedback people shared with us last year that the way our algorithm cropped images wasn’t equitable,” A Twitter spokesperson said after the launch. This was about charges of racial bias that the platform received for how users viewed photos. The company had received feedback, with users saying last year that the photo crops focused on white faces.

Twitter spoke out in response to the feedback, saying, “While our analyses to date haven’t shown racial or gender bias, we recognize that the way we automatically crop photos means there is a potential for harm. We should’ve done a better job of anticipating this possibility when we were first designing and building this product.”

Hop-On Twitter To Experience The Excitement

Scrolling through Twitter today will show you just how excited this update has made users around the world. Although it seems to have made artists and photographers the happiest, all users have taken part in showing their joy for the new update. As content creators, we’re excited for the possibilities that this will open up for our clients and their own social media posture too!

Want to Make the Most of the Twitter Update for Your Company?

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