
Why Business Consultants Should Create On-Going Content

Why Business Consultants Should Create On-Going Content

As a business consultant, you have likely either heard a good bit about content marketing or have even dabbled in this marketing tactic yourself. 

This intentional and strategic approach to marketing is based on the regular, expert, and relevant creation and publishing of content. The purpose of this content is to gain the awareness of a specific target market, to draw them in as leads, and eventually get them to take a certain call-to-action. 

Understanding Content Marketing

Content marketing gives businesses an opportunity to reach their target market with content that speaks to them and shows them why they should use this specific business. While the methods of delivering content have progressed and changed over time, the concept remains the same. Through the creation and delivery of content, consultants are able to connect with their target market, show them their value, and prove that they are the experts in their industry. 

The modes used to deliver content have evolved as technology has evolved. From email to blogs, website content, and social media, technology provides a massive landscape for consultants to showcase who they are and what they do to their target audience.

Why Content Marketing is Essential

Before understanding why content marketing is still essential, you need to understand what content marketing is NOT. You see, many people misunderstand the why behind content creation and have the wrong impression of what it is and the value it can bring to your business. 

Content marketing is not creating and launching “salsey” ads. It’s not publishing long articles that pretend to have valuable information but are really just attempts at making a sale without actually sharing anything useful. It’s also not creating pointless blog posts just to saturate them with keywords in hopes that they’ll please the algorithms. 

These misconceptions have led some to believe that content marketing isn’t as relevant or effective as claimed, however, this simply isn’t content marketing. Business owners see these ads and articles that lack credibility and value. If you’re seeing a lot of this, it can be easy to feel like there is no point to pursuing content marketing and that the concept itself has fallen to the wayside. 

When you remove these sales gimmick attempts from your understanding of content marketing and focus on its heart and soul, you realize that not only is content marketing entirely different, but it’s also extremely effective. 

True content marketing gives you an opportunity to connect with your target market through relevant and authentic material. It helps you stand out amongst your competition and shows your audience that you are a valuable expert in your industry. 

When you consistently produce relevant content for your audience, you are placing yourself at the forefront of their minds as a valuable resource. Instead of looking like a salesperson, you show them that what you can offer them matters. 

Choosing to produce great content as a means of marketing has the ability to elevate your business and position your consultancy as the “go-to” place for information that business owners want and need.

Why Business Consultants Need to Use Content Marketing

As a business consultant, you may be wondering how all of this content marketing stuff applies to your business. Let’s dig in to that:

As a business consultant, the services you offer are actually all about your relevance and ability to prove yourself as an expert. This is a critical piece to start with because people in your position are constantly having to show their leads that they are credible and not just another salesperson trying to make a buck. 

Content marketing is actually your number one tool for showcasing your expertise, experience, and value. In an industry where discerning an expert from an amateur can be difficult, content marketing is the best way to differentiate yourself. The key to quality, effective content is authenticity. You will want to make sure and tone down the sales pitch while amping up your value proposition and genuinely connecting with your audience. 

Content Marketing Tips for Business Consultants

When you are creating content as a business consultant, you want to know you’re creating content that will ensure the results you’re hoping for. These tips will help you do that:

  • Make sure new content is published consistently: Use a content calendar to plan and schedule your posts, emails, articles, etc.
  • Create unique and relevant content: Ask your audience what their needs/struggles are and create content based on their answers. 
  • Show them you’re an expert: Provide value, answers, information, and tips that showcase your knowledge and experience. 
  • Always be authentic: Cut down on the sales and the cheesy tactics. Be open, honest, transparent, and real. Show them who you are and they will connect with you. 
  • Know your target market: Know what they are interested in, where they view content, and the type of content they typically view. Create content with them and their preferences in mind. 
  • Keep your content unique:  If it’s going to be authentic, it’s going to come from you. Don’t copy others. Create the message on your heart and say it in your own unique way. 
  • Consistency means occasional repurposing: It’s okay to reuse your articles, just make sure and revise, switch things around a bit, and say the same thing a little bit differently.
  • Promote your content: After publishing, share your links on social media, email to your subscribers, and find other ways that you can easily promote your content. 
  • Collaborate with others: Partner with other businesses to share each other’s content, use influencers and satisfied clients to tag, share, and promote your content. Work with others and you’ll reach a much wider audience. 



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Content Creation for Business Consultants

Content marketing is alive and well. When done properly, it has the ability to help you establish credibility, thought-leadership, bring you leads, and build trust with your audience.

As a business consultant, you need to use content marketing just as much, if not more, than those in other professions. Content marketing will help you show your audience that you are credible and experienced and that you have something incredibly valuable to offer them. Make sure your content is consistent, relevant, and promoted far and wide to ensure the results you need. 

Need help getting started with your content marketing efforts? We’d love to chat with you. Schedule a free consultation anytime. 

"So what's great about Breezy is that if you are comfortable taking on new clients, it's really easy to do that. If you are super creative person like me it's fun to explore your copywriting and content creation skills."
Lisa Meskimen
Content Creator

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