
Is Your Website Design Giving Users Cognitive Overload?

cognitive overload

Ever felt like your brain was doing mental gymnastics just trying to navigate a website? If so, you’ve experienced cognitive overload in user experience (UX) design.

The human brain, despite its impressive capabilities, has limits to how much information it can process at once. Add to that the fact that our attention spans are short, and you get a disastrous recipe for user frustration, decreased engagement, and, ultimately, a failure to achieve the website’s goals.

Because cognitive overload is like trying to solve a complex puzzle while simultaneously listening to a lecture and writing an essay.

Or playing chess while reciting the alphabet backward during an earthquake.

Or juggle while riding a unicycle on a tightrope…over a pit of hungry alligators.

You get the picture.

What's the Deal with Cognitive Overload?

man tired from cognitive overload on website

Imagine if every time you wanted to make a sandwich, you had to decipher an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic recipe.

Frustrating, right? 

That’s cognitive overload in UX for you. It’s when your website visitors’ brains go into a meltdown trying to process too much information or navigate a labyrinth of options.

Australian psychologist John Sweller coined the term “cognitive load” back in the 80s. He wasn’t talking about websites (let’s face it, the internet was barely a twinkle in Tim Berners-Lee’s eye back then), but his theory applies perfectly to modern UX design.

6 Website Design Mistakes to Avoid Cognitive Overload

Cognitive overload in UX design is a common issue, but it’s also entirely preventable with the right approach.

At Breezy Sites, we’ve seen it all when it comes to website designs that overwhelm users — and the repercussions for businesses that don’t address these issues.

Take a look at the six signs your website might be causing cognitive overload, and let us know how your website measures up.

Don’t worry if you spot some issues; we’re here to help you transform your website into a user-friendly powerhouse.

1. Poor Readability

If users need a magnifying glass to read your content, Houston, we have a problem.

Tiny fonts, low contrast, or dense paragraphs can strain users’ eyes and minds. Aim for clear, legible text with appropriate font sizes (typically 16px or larger for body text) and good contrast ratios. Break up long paragraphs into digestible chunks.

Remember, we’re designing for a variety of users, including those who might be reading on smaller screens or have visual impairments.

2. No Visual Hierarchy

Your website isn’t a “Where’s Waldo?” game—users shouldn’t have to search for important information.

Without proper structure, all elements compete for attention, making it difficult to discern what’s important. Use size, color, and positioning to guide users’ attention. Headers, subheaders, and strategic use of whitespace can create a logical flow of information.

Think of your layout as a roadmap, guiding users smoothly from one point of interest to the next.

3. Inconsistent Design Elements

Consistency isn’t just for yogurt – it’s crucial for user experience, too.

Inconsistent design elements can create a disjointed user experience. This includes varying font styles, mismatched color schemes, or buttons that look different on every page. Consistency in design helps users build familiarity with your interface, reducing the mental effort required to navigate.

Create a style guide for your website and stick to it. This doesn’t mean your design should be boring – just coherent.

4. Visual Clutter

Repeat after me – white space isn’t wasted space – it’s breathing room for your content.

An overcrowded interface can overwhelm users. Too many images, icons, or blocks of text competing for attention can lead to decision paralysis.

Consider the principle of progressive disclosure: show users only what they need at each step of their journey.

5. Multiple Tasks

Keep. It. Simple.

Asking users to perform multiple complex tasks simultaneously can quickly lead to cognitive overload.

For instance, if your e-commerce checkout process requires users to calculate shipping costs, apply promo codes, and fill out a lengthy form all at once, you’re likely to see high abandonment rates.

Break complex processes into smaller, manageable steps, and use clear progress indicators to show users where they are in the process and what’s coming next.

6. Poor Scannability

Eye-tracking studies show that people scan web content in an F-shaped pattern. No, it’s not because they’re looking for hidden messages from aliens. It’s just how our brains are wired to process information efficiently.

So, what does this mean for your website?

Front-load your content with the good stuff. Put your most important information where the F’s horizontal lines would be.

Don’t make users dig for treasure – they’re not pirates (unless your target audience is actually pirates, in which case, ahoy matey!).

How to Avoid Cognitive Overload in UX Design

Good UX design is like a good joke – if you have to explain it, it’s probably not working.

Here are three ways you can avoid giving online visitors a headache every time they visit your website:

1. Simplify Your Interface

The principle of “Keep it Simple” is crucial in UX design. A cluttered interface can overwhelm users, making it difficult to find what they need.

2. Prioritize Information Like a Pro

Information hierarchy is vital to guiding users through your content. Place the most important information where it’s easily noticeable – typically at the top of the page or in prominent positions within the user’s natural eye path.

3. Visual Cues are Your Friends

Visual cues can significantly enhance user navigation and comprehension. Colors, icons, and thoughtful layout choices can guide users intuitively through your interface.

The Breezy Sites Solution

cognitive overload

A good UX website design should feel natural and self-explanatory to users. This doesn’t mean dumbing down your interface but instead creating a logical flow that aligns with users’ expectations.

At Breezy Sites, we’re like the Marie Kondos of the web design world — sparking joy in your users by creating intuitive, streamlined designs that make navigating your site as easy as falling off a log (but much more pleasant).

Ready to give your users’ brains a break? Contact Breezy Sites today, and let us create (or redesign) a website that focuses on an enjoyable user journey. 

Trust us, your online visitors’ prefrontal cortexes will thank you!

Your Website Should Be As Great As Your Business Is

Ok, you keep hearing that your website is the front door of your business but you just don’t see it. Most of your business comes from referrals and your website is just there. This limits you at only being able to reach the people you can yourself. On top of the fact that when the people you meet see your site, it gives an impression of what it will be like working with you.

You should be confident that your site is up to date, searchable on Google and tells the story as well as you do.

The problem is that your nephew doesn’t have enough experience, you have to manage the freelancer and you don’t want to pay for an expensive site redesign.

The truth is you’re tired of having a website that breaks and is not generating business.

Maintaining your website should be easy. Now it can be. Reach out to learn more about how our team can help you today!

Content is really the lifeblood of a lot of our campaigns and they make things super easy, organized and streamlined, in a way that takes a lot of pressure off of us.
Chris Strange
Principal at Helios Digital Agency

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