
How To: Build Thought Leadership in the Energy Sector


The energy sector can be a tough place to build thought leadership, authority, and credibility, especially in an online presence and across social media. Content marketing can be an extremely effective way to go about this, but you might feel challenges like not knowing…

  • What content to make
  • What platforms to post on
  • How to effectively connect with your audience

Most of all, you probably don’t have the time or maybe even the internal resources to invest in an effective content marketing strategy. 

Not to worry – this how-to below will help you not only overcome these challenges but by the end give you plans and strategies to start building the thought leadership and credibility you want to be none for in the industry. 

Thought Leadership in the Energy Sector

We’ve spent years creating content for companies in the energy sector and our biggest piece of advice? Become a thought leader

But how do you become a thought leader? One of the most proven tactics is the consistent implementation of value, subject-matter expertise content through the right channels. 

Before we get to the how, let’s dive a little deeper into the why. 

Why Should You Become a Thought Leader?

Thought leadership is about establishing your company as a go-to source in the energy sector. It’s more than sharing insights, innovations, and expertise but also your own unique perspective based on your expertise. Through this combination of facts and experience, you can influence the industry, guide your peers, and attract potential clients and partners. 

When a potential client or customer decides to make a purchasing decision it ultimately comes down to who they trust the most. But that trust isn’t built overnight. This is where thought leadership content shines. 

Thought leadership content plays a big role in building your company’s authority, credibility, and overall trustworthiness. 

Thought leaders are trusted sources of information and are often looked to for guidance on industry trends and challenges. By becoming the go-to source for information and answers, you can in turn become the company that customers choose to work with. 

There are so many types of content you can use for thought leadership. Here are some of our favorites. 

Types of Thought Leadership Content

1. Educational Blog Posts and Articles

Probably the most straightforward way to share your expertise is through blog posts and articles . These long-form styles of content allow you to share large amounts of information in one easily accessible format. 

While they can be on any topic, educational prompts will be the most effective. Creating educational content is a great way to showcase your expertise. Plus, there are endless subjects that you can write about such as industry trends, emerging technologies, regulatory changes, and best practices. 

An effective way to go about these blogs is to provide insights and analyses that can help your audience understand complex issues by writing in a way that is easy for them to comprehend. For instance, an article explaining the impact of new energy regulations or the benefits of renewable energy technologies can position your company as a thought leader.

Having a regularly updated blog where you share a range of educational information is central to building up any company’s thought leader status. 

2. Case Studies and Whitepapers

Similar to blogs and articles, case studies and white papers are long-form educational pieces, they just go a step further. This type of content is very in-depth and reflects personal accounts of how your company has successfully helped clients with their situations or deeply breaks down industry trends and solutions to common challenges the audience faces in a downloadable form. 

Case studies should be research-based and demonstrate your expertise through actual accounts of your company in action. Provide detailed insights into how your solutions have addressed specific challenges. A good rundown of what should be featured in these resources includes outlining the problems faced, the solutions provided, and the outcomes achieved. 

Whitepapers should be focused on diving deeper into technical topics and offering in-depth research and analysis. They can be more general in the sense of topics and research. White papers can explore topics like the economic benefits of transitioning to renewable energy or challenges within aspects of the industry. These documents not only highlight your expertise but also serve as valuable resources for current and potential customers.

3. Webinars and Podcasts

Webinars and podcasts allow you to engage with your audience in a more interactive and personal way. You can share the same type of information that you would in blogs or case studies, but in a conversational format. 

By hosting or being featured on webinars, you can speak directly to your audience. The benefit of the virtual space is that it allows you to answer questions and engage in conversation at that moment. It makes for a productive interaction and a more impactful one as you can directly speak with them. Plus, webinars tend to be a sort of lesson, adding to your educational content goals that can be repurposed in other ways as well. 

Podcasts can cover similar subjects, but once again are more conversational. It is popular to have guests on podcasts because it creates an entertaining piece of content. You can guest star on other podcasts within your industry or you could have your own. Either way, doing any sort of podcast work will demonstrate your expertise in an authentic way. Plus, with podcasts specifically, people can listen to them while they’re driving, cleaning, or doing other various activities, making it an easily accessible type of content. 

4. Infographics and Data Visualizations

Infographics and data visualizations are powerful tools for presenting complex information in an easily digestible format. Making your thought leadership well-rounded and easy to understand is essential. You have to remember that you’re speaking to your audience so it needs to be catered to them. One easy way to do this is to make infographics to visualize data. 

You can use them to illustrate key statistics, trends, and insights about the energy industry. For example, an infographic showing the growth of renewable energy sources over the past decade can visually convey important information to your audience.

On top of comprehension, visualizations like these are also sharable and engaging. By making data visually appealing and easy to understand, you can enhance your audience’s overall understanding and retention of the information.

5. Social Media Content

Social media is clearly an essential platform for sharing thought leadership content and honestly, the most important. All the types of content we’ve previously discussed can be shared and promoted through your social media which provides a lot of bang for your buck. For example: You can turn a blog post into a simplified carousel or a webinar into video clips. 

You can post regularly about industry news, company updates, and insights, just like the other types of content. The difference with social media content is that it’s normally shorter-form. Use platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook to engage with your audience, share articles, and join both industry and customer discussions. Short, insightful posts can position your company as a go-to source for energy sector knowledge.

However, developing a strong social media presence involves more than just posting content. Make sure you engage with your followers by responding to comments, participating in relevant conversations, and answering their questions. Use social media analytics to understand what types of content resonate most with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly. By being active and responsive on social media, you can build a community around your brand and enhance your thought leadership status.

6. Video Content

A branch of social media content is video content. Videos are the most engaging form of content that can capture your audience’s attention effectively. In terms of thought leadership, videos are a great format to speak directly to your target audience. Videos share more than just information, they allow your audience to get to know you better. If you create videos where you’re speaking to the camera, followers can see your face, hear your voice, and overall trust you more as an individual and a company. 

By now, you probably get the gist of the range of topics you could discuss. An easy way to do it though is to set aside some time to just sit down and “brain dump” whatever you’ve been working on lately, an upcoming trend, or simply whatever is on your mind. As an expert, you have a plethora of knowledge and experiences that you might not even realize would be helpful for people to hear. The key is to unlock it and share it through your content. 

Video content can be shared across multiple platforms, including your website, social media, and YouTube. If you want to go beyond talking videos, consider creating a series of videos that explore different aspects of the energy industry, from behind-the-scenes looks at your operations to official branded content. Videos can help humanize your brand and make complex topics more relatable and understandable.

Are You Ready to Become a Thought Leader?

Becoming a thought leader within the energy sector doesn’t have to be difficult. With dedication and a well-planned content strategy, you can establish yourself and your credibility within the industry. Whether you choose to produce content in-house or hire experts, the key is to provide insights that resonate with your audience and demonstrate your expertise. 

If you want to see real-life examples of how content marketing has positively impacted businesses within the energy industry, make sure you take a look at our latest case study

If you’re ready to become a thought leader but know you need some help, our team here at Breezy is ready to help. We’re a complete content team that can help you create blogs, case studies, social media content, video content, and more. Let us help you establish your company as a thought leader. Get started here.

Ready to Launch a Content Marketing Plan for Your Small Business?


We know that carving out the time, resources, and energy to create ongoing content for your brand or business is a full-time job. That’s why we created Breezy – your instant content marketing team.

You don’t need to hire multiple full-time employees to handle all of the strategy, planning, writing, designing, and publishing of content. You also don’t have time to wrangle tons of different freelancers to get this all completed. You need one expert team that can help get all of the amazing thought-leadership and subject matter expertise out of your head and into formalized, engaging content that keeps you top of mind with your audience.

We’re that team!

See how we can help your small business, startup, or agency with a free consultation. 


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