You’re the Expert—Here’s Why Your Content Creator Doesn’t Need to Be


One of the most common concerns we hear from businesses looking to hire a content marketer is, “How can you create content for my business when my industry is highly technical and niche? You’re not an expert in my space.” 

While we understand the concern, it’s honestly one that you don’t need to have. In fact, it’s actually a good thing when your marketer isn’t an expert in your industry. Here’s why.

The Myth: Only Experts in My Niche Can Create Valuable Content

Here’s the thing: It makes sense that potential clients believe the only person who can create content for them is someone who knows the ins and outs of their industry. Businesses often assume that a content creator needs to know their industry as deeply as they do in order to create anything of value. 

However, this is far from the truth. 

Think about it. When you hire professionals in other industries—like a plumber, for example—you don’t expect them to be an expert on every aspect of your home. You just want them to fix a specific problem. You need an expert plumber to fix your plumbing. The same principle applies to content creators. You don’t need them to be professionals in your industry. You need them to be experts at creating content. 

Don’t fall for the myth that only experts in your niche can create valuable content. It’s simply not the case.

Why You Actually Don’t Want an Industry Expert Creating Your Content

In fact, we’re going to throw a curve ball at you. You actually don’t want an expert in your industry to create your content. Hiring someone who is deeply embedded in your industry may not serve you as well as you think. 

We get it, you can’t just trust anyone with your brand image. You want an expert. 

Our rebuttal? OK, then hire an expert… an expert in creating brand awareness and online presences, aka a seasoned content creator. 

Let’s be honest, the chances of finding someone equally skilled in your niche and content marketing are pretty rare. At the same time, even if you somehow found someone with that skill set, they’re too close to the subject matter. 

Having a niche expert double as a content creator might sound great, but there’s a big problem with it. Ironically enough, they know too much.

Because of this, they could end up focusing on details that are too technical, which might fly over the heads of your broader audience. Also, because they know everything, it might be difficult for them to take a step back and put themselves in your customer’s shoes. Plus, they may lack the ability to pull out those nuggets of knowledge and thought leadership you possess because, to them, that information is second nature.

This is why an expert content creator who isn’t an industry insider will be much more beneficial to your brand. You don’t need to worry about their lack of knowledge in your niche because they have the necessary skills to create valuable, engaging, and informational content for any business, regardless of the industry. Because they’re an outsider, they can take what might seem obvious to you and reframe it in a way that resonates with your target audience. Their ability to ask questions and extract valuable insights from you—because they don’t know everything already—can actually result in more effective content.

Why Great Content Comes from Great Creators, Not Just Industry Knowledge

One of the most overlooked aspects of content creation is the value of the process itself. Sure, understanding the industry is important, but what really matters are the fundamental skills a content creator brings to the table. You need someone who can extract your expertise and present it in a way that’s engaging and valuable for your audience.

A great content creator doesn’t need to know everything about your industry. They just need to have the talent to learn, strategize, and create. Think about it, you’re getting an average consumer who doesn’t know everything—just like your target audience—to strategically create content for you. It’s kind of like having a spy help you infiltrate your audience. 

If you’re a business in a really complex space, you need someone who can take that heavy information and turn it into easy-to-understand, digestible content. 

Creating content that connects with an audience takes more than just subject-matter knowledge. It requires creativity, strategy, and the ability to see the bigger picture. You can have all the knowledge in the world about your field, but if you’re not able to translate that into content that engages, educates, or entertains, it won’t matter.

What You Should Really Be Looking for in a Content Creator

Now that we’ve busted the myth that content creators need to be industry experts, let’s talk about what you should actually be looking for in a content creator.

It can be an overwhelming process, as you need to find someone you trust to hand your brand image to. Content creators are responsible for making everything your audience, potential clients, and industry peers see, so it can be stressful trying to find that perfect person or team. 

Here are some fundamental traits and skills you should look for: 

  • Willingness to Learn: A great content creator will be genuinely curious about your industry and willing to learn more. They don’t need to know everything upfront, but they need to be willing to ask the right questions.

  • Passion for Your Business: They don’t need to be the poster child for your brand, but they should have some level of passion for it. You don’t want someone who doesn’t care whether you succeed or fail. 

  • Proven Processes: A solid content creation process is essential. You’re busy running a business, so your content creator should be able to work effectively without needing your input constantly. The process should be collaborative, efficient, and tailored to your needs and time.

  • Ability to Communicate Complex Ideas: This one is a must, especially if you’re in an intricate field. They should be able to take complex, technical information and turn it into something that’s easy to understand and engaging for your audience.

A Content Creation Process That Works for You

How do we check these boxes at Breezy? By focusing on a process that leverages your expertise without requiring you to spend hours creating the content yourself.

At Breezy, we’ve developed a system that allows us to collaborate with niche experts like you while taking much of the burden off your shoulders. Here’s how it works:

  • Monthly Conversations: Every month, we have a meeting where we prompt you to brain dump your expertise. During these calls, we ask specific questions, get clarifications, record the conversation for video content and overall gain a deeper understanding of your brand and subject-matter knowledge. This way, the valuable information is coming straight from you, the expert, while we handle the creation part. 
  • Detailed Briefs: After each session, we prepare custom briefs for you as needed. These might be topics we plan to cover at our next recording session or that we need additional information on. It could be a comprehensive questionnaire that you can fill in as you have time on certain subject matter. We tailor this to your specific goals, business, and needs. 
  • Video Scripts: If you’re someone who is uncomfortable with filming, we write video scripts based on our conversation to help you record that content. Or, we will actually turn our monthly calls into short clips we can use for socials. 
  • Written Content: Whether you need blog posts or long-form social media content, we write everything based on the conversations we’ve had. This ensures that every piece of content is authentic and reflective of your expertise.
  • Thought Leadership Development: We position you as a thought leader by showcasing your knowledge in a way that’s accessible and engaging. We make sure you’re sharing valuable information while also appealing to your target audience. 
  • Time Efficiency: Our main goal is to provide quality content without taking a lot of your time. Our process is designed to take as much off your plate as possible. We know you’re busy running your business, so we handle the heavy lifting.

Now You Can Find a Marketer to Create Your Content

By now, it’s pretty clear that the idea that a content creator needs to be as knowledgeable as you are about your specific industry is a myth. What you actually need is someone who’s an expert at creating content.

Find someone who can learn quickly, ask the right questions, and communicate your expertise in a way that resonates with your audience. You’ll be able to focus on what you do best, while they focus on helping your business grow online.

Remember, you don’t need a subject matter expert—you need a content expert.

If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help your business with content creation, check out our site to learn more. Or, you can take our quick needs assessment to figure out what you may need help with. 

Ready to Launch a Content Marketing Plan for Your Small Business?


We know that carving out the time, resources, and energy to create ongoing content for your brand or business is a full-time job. That’s why we created Breezy – your instant content marketing team.

You don’t need to hire multiple full-time employees to handle all of the strategy, planning, writing, designing, and publishing of content. You also don’t have time to wrangle tons of different freelancers to get this all completed. You need one expert team that can help get all of the amazing thought-leadership and subject matter expertise out of your head and into formalized, engaging content that keeps you top of mind with your audience.

We’re that team!

See how we can help your small business, startup, or agency with a free consultation. 


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