
What Your Content Strategy Is Missing


When it comes to creating an effective content market strategy, it’s not a one-size-fits-all plan. Creating quality content means that you are paying close attention to your audience and learning as much about them as possible so that you can create content the resonates with them, and that they can relate to.

There are 3 ways you can work towards creating a more concentrated and custom content marketing strategy that your current plan might be missing.

What Your Content Marketing Strategy is Missing

Targeted categories

When we begin working with a client, there are four basic categories that we like to start with. While these aren’t the only categories that you could work within, these are a great place to start. As you learn more about your client and their brand if you’re a consultant or as you learn more about your audience as the owner of your brand, these categories can expand. Having a strong foundation for your content marketing strategy allows you to get a good start that you can then build upon as your relationship with your client or audience progresses.

4 categories that are a great place to start:


Here you can showcase and establish the brand. This is the area where you talk specifics such as who the brand is, what the company does and even the culture of the organization.


It’s great to share content from other sources. But you also want to establish the brand’s voice. You want the brand or organization to be known as a “subject-matter expert,” and that is why original thought-leadership content is essential. They should have their own content to offer their audience, and that can be through blogs, infographics, and more.

Event/Resource Promotion

This area all depends on what industry the brand or company is a part of. In the eCommerce space, it could be a big sale coming up, or a brick and mortar establishment may have an open house that you need to let your audience know about. Offering resources is also a great way to promote content. It can be a variety of things, from a coupon for an eCommerce business to a downloadable PDF for others. Find what the company has to offer in the area of resources and use those to support your content strategy.

Customer Quotes and Testimonials

Customers are the best representation of any business. They are real people that have used either yours or your client’s services (or products), and others will rely on their opinions. So, put your customers out front! They are truly your best content creators because what they have to say about your business will help to promote it.


A lot of content marketing is trial and error. You need to be flexible and willing to learn and make changes as you go. Maybe something that works with one company isn’t a good fit for another, and that’s fine. To find the best method that works, you are going to track your data and watch what your reports say (and that leads us to our third thing to be focusing on…).

Consistent Metric Tracking

Keep track of data so that you can deliver custom reports to your client each month. You will need to find an efficient way to track these metrics since you want to be able to give your client accurate data about the effectiveness of your work.

If you feel that your content marketing is missing something, give these tactics a try. Need more help with your content marketing strategy, we’d love to help! Shoot us a message to get started.

Its easy to say that I can take care of social media and content creation on my own but if you are anything like me it ends up getting put on the backburner. I highly recommend this team and glad that Breezy is in my life.
Chris Beer
B.Well Consulting

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