
Pitching Content Marketing Services to Your Clients

Content Marketing Services

As a marketing consultant, you wear a lot of different hats for your clients. You’re their branding expert. You create a sales funnel and advertising strategies for them. You plan events. And you tackle anything else that pops up in your client’s business. Content marketing services are just another hat your clients need you to wear, even if they don’t know it.

Content marketing is a marketing approach that drives traffic and builds an audience by creating and distributing valuable content. This approach relies on a steady and consistent stream of content that your customers can come to rely on. It seems simple, but actually making this happen is tricky for two reasons.

The first is getting what’s in your client’s heads into the world, and doing this on a consistent basis, can be difficult. It requires that your client has fully bought into this strategy and puts aside the time needed to brainstorm and outline topics that you can flesh out into fully realized content.

The second is that many of your clients may think they can cover the content on their own. What many don’t realize is that most professional marketers still spend 1-2 hours writing a 500-word blog post. When content calendars require 3-4 blogs posts per month, that’s more time than many business owners are willing to spend.

Content marketing is a proven marketing strategy that will drive profitable new customers to your clients’ businesses. So how do you convince them to contract with you for new content marketing services? Ultimately, the pitch is how much easier you can make their lives and how much more effectively you can handle all their content needs than they can on their own. This happens in 4 areas:


Your clients don’t have the time to dedicate to creating the quality content they need to be successful at content marketing. By working with you, they just need to come up with topics and ideas, and you do the hard work of content creation.


You have the content creation expertise that your clients don’t. You know how to optimize their content for search engines so that they’re finding the new customers they’re looking for. You are also a professional writer who will ensure that each piece is valuable and an easy read.


By outsourcing the content creation to you, your clients are guaranteed consistent content that follows a regular schedule. They are also guaranteed that their content will be of consistent quality and voice, and follows the brand voice already established by you.


By outsourcing content marketing to you, your clients are guaranteeing that their content marketing strategy will be aligned with their other marketing strategies and goals. You are the expert who can ensure that all of their marketing tactics, including content marketing, are working together.

But what if you want to offer content marketing services, and your clients want content marketing services, but you don’t have the bandwidth to currently take that on? We can help! At Breezy, we partner with marketing consultants, just like you, to help expand their teams at a fraction of the cost. Contact us today to learn more about our partnerships, and how easy it is to scale your marketing business.

"I highly recommend working for Breezy if you're just starting out as a content creator. It's a really great way to get your feet wet and see what types of clients you like working with."
Hannah Warren
Content Creator

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