
Why Your Business Needs a Content Marketing Machine

content marketing machine

In today’s world, marketing efforts are constantly changing and evolving. But, over the last ten years, we’ve seen a shift to content marketing. But, with that comes a need for mass production of content. This can be hard to make a reality if you don’t already have the team and resources in place. What your business really needs is a content marketing machine!

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Building a Content Marketing Machine

We believe, like a lot of other marketers, that content marketing is here to stay and is only going to grow. In fact, it’s estimated that content marketing efforts will be worth over $400 billion by 2021. All that money and effort being thrown into content marketing efforts isn’t in vain, it’s simply because it is effective!

But, here’s the problem we have found in our combined 15 years of experience in the marketing and specifically content marketing world: building a sustainable and scalable content machine is really tough. What do we mean by that?

You know that our team is made of professional marketers and content creators. For so long, we would work hard on a great digital marketing funnel that was ultimately unsustainable simply because we could not fill the top of the funnel with ongoing quality content.

Meaning, we had a great plan in place for clients, but they didn’t have a great way to realistically continue those efforts after the plan was put into place.

What all of our clients really needed was an actual content machine – a system that was scalable, practical and helped them create new content every single month to continue the work of the funnel and content marketing strategy we put into place.

So, why does your company need a content a machine?

Fail to plan and you’re planning to fail.

You can have the best digital marketing funnel ever in place, but if you don’t have a plan or system that can create new content on a consistent basis to fill that, the funnel itself will fail.

Make content marketing actually work for you.

What’s the best way to ensure your content marketing efforts actually work? Consistency! But, without a system in place, consistency can be tough to create. You need a system in place that works for you and your organization so you are putting out new content constantly.

Take content creation off your own plate.

More than likely, if you’re reading this, you are a business owner trying to figure out how to make content marketing work for you and your business. But, here’s the thing — you shouldn’t have to worry about it! As a business owner, your talents and skills are in casting vision, thinking through strategy to grow your company and leading your team. Knowing that you need content marketing is important, yes, but actually worrying about getting it done, should not be a priority for you. What should be a priority is ensuring that you have a system or content machine in place that can get it done for you!

Now, you may be wondering, what does a content machine even look like? They can all look different or be created in a number of ways like:

Using a freelancer or freelance network to have your blog posts, social graphics or eGuides created. This can be a very affordable and quick option, but quality can vary a lot and communication can be tough as well.

Hire an ad or marketing agency. This can be a good option for large companies, but if you have a smaller business, this could be extremely expensive for you.

Or, hire a company like ours — Breezy! We create ongoing content for your business every month or even on-demand when you need it. We created Breezy to create the best of both worlds – the affordability and ease of freelancers with the high-quality content of an agency.

Whatever direction you decide to go in – remember that a content machine actually ensures content marketing success! Have more questions on creating the right content machine for your business? We’re happy to help! Shoot us a message any time!

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