
What Kind of Content Should I Invest in to Increase SEO?

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Creating content to increase SEO is critical to the success of your marketing initiatives. There are many different avenues you can take to garner web traffic and ensure your organization or business is being seen by a growing number of people every day. But where should you make a content investment first when your main goal is to increase SEO? Here are five of the most effective content types to enhance your company’s SEO imprint.

Blog Content

As you probably already know blogs are one of the most popular and effective tools for valuable marketing, for a variety of reasons. First, the long-form nature of many blogs is inherently suited to increase keyword capabilities , driving in specific audiences, and garnering more views on average than other marketing content. Secondly, many customers read blogs before they consciously search for a particular type of product. Many read blogs to gain a deeper understanding of a topic, subject, or service; this curiosity and trust perfectly primes consumers to remember your company in association with the blog they’ve read. Blogs have become so vital to marketing that 79% of marketers rank blogs as the most efficient form of content. Investing in a skilled copywriter is crucial for creating engaging, keyword-laden blogs.

Landing Pages

Second only to blogs in terms of efficiency, tangible results and to increase SEO, landing pages are a great way to streamline the lead generation process. Landing pages are web pages designed specifically to collect data from an interested consumer in return for a small product or service. They’re a direct but trusted source of marketing, common enough now that consumers rarely hesitate to enter the necessary information. Typically, landing pages will ask for the customer’s name, phone number, e-mail address as a jumping-off point. Emphasizing value and keeping the page clean but engaging is crucial to creating an effective landing page; a balance should be struck between enticing the customer with the general benefits of your product without overloading them with information.


Many companies overlook the value of infographics when creating SEO-tailored content. These can be downloaded or shared as an image directly on the company’s website and are useful for conveying complex information. Infographics are also easily duplicated; the same infographic can be hosted on a webpage and then repurposed for social media such as Twitter or Facebook. This method is effective in covering multiple bases and reaching your audience through different avenues of communication. Infographics are also highly customizable, meaning they can be made to mimic the look and feel of your brand while incorporating keywords and a call to action. Valuable infographics can drive traffic to your site as well, like a visual blog post.

YouTube Videos

A staggering 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute of the day. While it may seem difficult to stand out in this sea of content, keeping your videos on brand and tailored to a specific audience will help viewers find them quickly and easily. Advertising your product with a friendly, engaging video garners trust and interest in your brand. Videos can be straightforward as well, such as demonstrations of your product in action. It’s important to keep in mind the reasons viewers will be landing on your page, to begin with. Many viewers come to the site looking for specific tips or examples of solving problems; your video should answer their questions and link back to your company in the description or in the video itself. Customer testimonials have also gained traction on the site in recent years.


Surprisingly, Pinterest is one of the fastest-growing platforms on the internet right now. Much more than a crafts-sharing site, Pinterest is quickly becoming a digital marketplace where consumers and companies come together to make transactions happen – an estimated 87% of users have purchased products solely because of their presence on Pinterest. Original content can be created for Pinterest or you can reuse information from other social media sites. Pinterest is a site of discovery for its users; as long as the purpose and benefits of your product are being shared, users will flock to learn about it. Remember to utilize tags to bring in consistent, specific traffic.

Looking for help in creating specific content to increase SEO? Schedule a free conversation to learn how we can help!

Content is really the lifeblood of a lot of our campaigns and they make things super easy, organized and streamlined, in a way that takes a lot of pressure off of us.
Chris Strange
Principal at Helios Digital Agency

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