
Breezy Internship Program

Gain practical Marketing Experience While still enjoying your summer

Get out of the textbook and put your marketing skills to the test.

OK, so you need an internship to put in your marketing resume but you have the requirements.

  1. It Needs to align with my interest in content creation/social media specifically.
  2. Needs to have a flexible schedule to incorporate other interests over the summer.
  3. Be references to my credits and resume.
  4. Get me practical experience
  5. Be tall and drive a nice car.

Well, we can’t help you with that last one, but we have you covered on the others.


Use your social media and writing skills and still have a great summer.

What is Breezy?

Breezy is a content marketing team that gives you the tools, the process, and the payment to create social media and blog content from anywhere.


Take our Intenship Test to get a sense of the job and so we can see what you can do!
Gain access to our experience content team
Work on real content and articles that are seen.
Use your experience as credit


Use your social media and writing skills and still have a great summer.

Get Everything You Need to Be Successful

The Process

Use Breezy’s Process to Handle the Workload Systematically.

The Experience

Gain access to our team that will spend time with you individually.

From Anywhere

Our services is 100% remote. That means that we work from all over and that includes our interns.

Breezy's Internship Program is closed

Our intern apps are closed but we’ll reopen later this summer for the fall.

What to Expect