
How Content Marketing Can Help Grow Your Consulting Business

Grow Your Consulting Business

Business consultants have a lot to keep track of. You are constantly focused on advising companies, helping them grow their sales and marketing initiatives, and offering clients tangible solutions, all while trying to attract new leads and grow your consulting business too. 

Creating consistent content is one of the many ways you can not only provide valuable resources to your current clients, but to potential ones as well. By generating new leads and increasing your social media and website traffic, your brand will have the potential to grow in ways it hasn’t before.

If you want to learn more about this powerful content marketing strategy and how it can help grow your consulting business, keep reading below.

What Does Creating Consistent Content Mean?

Producing consistent content simply means sharing ongoing posts, blogs, videos, and other media with your audience. Through steady content creation, you can provide value to your existing, and potential, customers.

The only downside to a content marketing strategy like this is that creating this type of content, at the volume, you will need, is time-consuming. For some business consultants, that means that creating this customized content simply never gets accomplished.

However, by investing in your own content marketing team, you can reap the benefits of this strategy with a fraction of the work.

When you outsource this work you’re handing it over to an expert content creator who can focus 100% of their time on this. Their entire job is to think specifically about creating consistent content, building a content strategy, planning a content calendar, keeping up with the latest social media and blog trends, as well as helping you get all of your expertise out of your brain and into formalized content. This allows you to have a cohesive plan, and ultimately a better stream of content for your consulting business.

Why is Investing in Content Marketing a Great Move for Business Consultants?

When you outsource this work, you are outsourcing it to a professional content creator who understands that creating this type of content is a little bit of art, and a little bit of science. 

PRO TIP: When looking for a content creator or content service for your consulting business look for someone who:

  • Work as part of a team: This way you get access to many different pros and creatives with different skills sets like writing, design, and video editing all in one place.
  • Work for a variety of other clients: This means they have a lot of experience and countless ideas for content. 
  • Want to work with you as a subject matter expert: Make sure to find a team that understands and respects the knowledge and expertise you bring to the table and find ways to help you download all of that into formalized content.

While you may be tempted to find a content creator or team who are dedicated to your s specific brand and industry space, that can come with drawbacks. 

For instance, that individual may be highly skilled in graphic design but has only done video editing a handful of times. When it comes time to create content, the videos they create often aren’t at the same high level as their graphic design. Because you chose to opt for a single creative, rather than a whole team, some of your client’s content creation has suffered. To prevent this, choose a diverse team or outsource different creative work to various creatives who are skilled in different marketing mediums.

When it comes to this investment, you don’t have to go all in at once for your consulting business – you can start small. When you start small you can try out one channel, collect feedback from your audience, and then grow from there. What you will find though is that when you invest in content marketing, you’ll get time back as a business consultant. Instead of doing all the content creation yourself, on top of all your other responsibilities, a professional content team will take this off your plate.

What are the Benefits of Creating Consistent Content? 

While there are many benefits to creating consistent content for your consulting business – and we have a comprehensive list here if you want to take a look – let’s break it down to a few of the most important:

  • Appeal to a wider audience: Through regular posts, you are providing potential customers with a taste of your brand, without forcing them to commit fully right away.
  • More leads: When you post this consistent content, you can generate leads for your consulting business that you normally wouldn’t have acquired.
  • Prove your credibility: Take the opportunity to show people that you know what you are talking about. You already know so much about starting, growing, and taking a business to the next level and now it is time to prove it with content. 

Growing Your Consulting Business

At Breezy, we are passionate about helping business consultants grow their brand and help establish their thought leadership and credibility. We do this by providing an entire content marketing team to you instantly so you can create ongoing, high-value content that shows your audience that you are the go-to consultant when they are ready to take the leap.

See how we can help you grow your consulting business today!

Thanks to them I have increased social following. The results of kind of their social media posts have driven people to my website and resulted in some clients for me.
Ben Reinking, MD
Ben Reinking, MD
CEO | The Developing Doctor

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