5 Content Updates to Instantly Improve Your Website

update your website content

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again — you need to make sure you’re updating the content on your website. 

We get it: keeping your website content fresh and engaging can feel like an uphill battle, especially when you’re busy running your business. 

That’s why we’ve put together a list of five super easy content updates you can make on your website. 

So, if you’ve ever found yourself asking questions like, “How can I keep my website updated without it becoming a full-time job?” or “Do I really need to update my website if I’m not blogging?”—you’re in the right place. 

But First - What is Website Content?

Website content includes all the written, visual, and multimedia elements on your website. 

This includes:

  • Blog posts
  • Service descriptions
  • Product photos
  • Marketing copy
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Testimonials

Everything and anything that helps tell the story of your brand and converts website visitors into customers. 

“Wait, everything and anything?”

You’re right, we should clarify that it needs to be good content

So, What Makes “Good” Content?

“Good” website content speaks directly to your audience’s needs and offers clear value. 

It needs to be easy to understand, well-organized, and visually engaging. But most importantly, the content needs to feel authentic to your brand — whether you’re sharing success stories, explaining your offerings, or answering common questions. 

But don’t get stuck thinking you need to write a blog every week to keep your website alive. 

There are plenty of ways to keep your content fresh without posting a blog, and most importantly, there are easier ways. 

5 Easy Content Updates You Can Make on Your Website

1. FAQ Page

If you find yourself or your team answering the same questions over and over, it’s time to create a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page. 

An FAQ page is helpful for potential customers and can save you time in the long run. Start by thinking about common questions about your services, pricing, or processes, then put them on your website. Then, whenever there is a change in your offerings, go ahead and update your FAQ page. 

As for how many questions your FAQ webpage should answer — there’s no right or wrong answer. Just be sure to stick to legitimate questions your customers have and update the page when new questions arise. 

2. Customer Testimonials & Reviews

If you want to show that you’re the go-to business in your industry — start adding testimonials. 

Genuine reviews from happy customers are the most powerful pieces of content because they build trust and credibility.  You can create a dedicated testimonial page or add customer quotes throughout your website, like on your homepage or near a call-to-action. 

3. Case Studies 

Stories of how your business helped solve a customer’s problem demonstrate how you provide value. 

Case studies are particularly effective for service-based businesses. They give hesitant potential customers the confidence they need by illustrating real-world examples of your successes. If someone is on the fence about working with you, reading about how you helped someone else in a similar situation could be the nudge they need to take that next step.

Case studies are an easy content update to make on your website

Want to know the best part? Case studies are not about showing off how awesome your business is (although that’s certainly a bonus). They’re about guiding someone through a relatable journey. 

You’re telling a story: a customer had a problem, they found your service, and as a result, they found a solution that made a difference. 

This kind of content doesn’t just say, “Look how amazing we are”; instead, it allows your audience to see themselves in that story and understand, “Hey, they can help me too.”

4. About Us Page Updates

When was the last time you updated your About Us page? This is a great (and easy) way to update content on your website. 

Have any recent accomplishments? Time to update. 

New photos of your team? Time to update. 

Featured in a local newspaper? You guessed it — time to update. 

This is the page where you can get into the nitty gritty of your story. Don’t be afraid to brag a little—celebrate your team, your journey, and the things that make your business unique. You could share fun facts about your employees, show behind-the-scenes photos, or even talk about your company culture. 

These details make your business more relatable and inviting.

Plus, customers love to know the more about faces behind a business. People buy from people they like and trust, and an updated, engaging About Us page can help build that relationship.

5. Call-to-Action Updates

Click here!

Buy now!

Call for a free estimate!

Yes, it’s time to talk about call-to-actions (CTAs). These phrases might seem simple, but they’re actually some of the most important words on your website. Why? 

Because they are the lifeline of your website when it comes to converting visitors into customers. 

CTAs are an easy piece of content to update on your website — but that doesn’t make them any less important. The way you word them, where you place them, and how you make them stand out all play a role in how successful your website is at driving action from visitors. 

regularly update your website CTAs


Download our list of 96 CTAs you can use on your website!

Too Busy to Refresh Your Website?

If updating content sounds overwhelming or you’re short on time, Breezy Sites can help you keep things running smoothly so you can focus on what you do best.

Remember, your website is a tool to help you grow your business — it should work for you, not just sit there gathering (digital) dust.

Let’s make your website as excellent as your business. Reach out today to get started.




Ok, you keep hearing that your website is the front door of your business but you just don’t see it. Most of your business comes from referrals and your website is just there. This limits you at only being able to reach the people you can yourself. On top of the fact that when the people you meet see your site, it gives an impression of what it will be like working with you.

You should be confident that your site is up to date, searchable on Google and tells the story as well as you do.

The problem is that your nephew doesn’t have enough experience, you have to manage the freelancer and you don’t want to pay for an expensive site redesign.

The truth is you’re tired of having a website that breaks and is not generating business.

Maintaining your website should be easy. Now it can be. Reach out to learn more about how our team can help you today!

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