Building Success as a Solopreneur: How to Leverage Content Marketing to Outshine the Competition


Are you a one-person show? Is it overwhelming? We get it; you’re out there hustling, wearing all the hats, and building your business from the ground up. 81% of the small businesses in the United States are run by one person. It’s exciting, but let’s face it, the struggle is real. 

Not only do you have internal battles, but competition to deal with as well. Being a solopreneur can be a challenge. That’s why we want to teach you how to leverage content marketing so you can get the most out of your time and effort. Let’s take your solopreneur game to the next level.

The Solopreneur Struggle

We’ve had countless conversations with solopreneurs just like you. You’re the expert in your field, the go-to person for your clients, and probably a master at networking. But there’s a tiny hiccup – relying solely on word of mouth and networking. What happens when that collection of connections runs out?

It’s not a bad thing, but the reality is that without other lead generation streams, you’re not going to be able to grow your business to the level you want. But what should those lead generation streams be and which ones are actually going to produce results? 

Meeting Future Clients Where They’re At

In order to secure future clients, you need to be where they are. And where are they? Scrolling through social media and Googling for solutions to their current problems. That means you need to find a way to pop up on their social media feeds, answer those questions they’re Googling, and present solutions to their problems. 

The key is growing your social presence to accurately show potential clients what you bring to the table. They need to have a full understanding of why they should work with you after looking at your socials, website, and other digital presence platforms. Here is how you can do that:

Differentiating Yourself as a Solopreneur 

Differentiating yourself online is about letting your personality and skills shine through. By establishing your personal brand, these elements of your business will be more apparent. Personal branding is critical and can be a key factor that puts you ahead of the competition. 

Clearly setting a tone for your brand can help you reach your target audience and become memorable in their minds. 

Presenting Digital and Social Proof

Not only is your branding important, but your “social proof.” Ever heard the phrase “pics or it didn’t happen?” Well, in the digital world, it’s all about showing what you know and have done in a digital format to provide your credibility. Your potential clients want to know you’re the real deal. Visual content helps you showcase your expertise, your experience, and the value you bring to the table.

Without social proof, you might not look like a legitimate business. 76% of internet users report using a social media platform for brand or product research. Make sure you come off as trustworthy and authentic by having up-to-date content on your social accounts.  

How Content Marketing Helps Solopreneurs Stand Out

Why invest in content marketing? How will it help you stand out in a crowded market? And ultimately, is it actually worth it? Let’s look at the facts:

  • Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing methods.
  • It generates around 3x the leads as traditional marketing as well. 
  • 60% of people are inspired to seek out a product or service after reading content about it. 

It doesn’t just help your lead generation efforts either. Content marketing also strengthens your relationship with your existing customers. 70% of consumers report feeling closer to a company as a result of content marketing. 

Bottom Line: A content marketing approach helps provide your legitimacy, showcases your experience, increases your credibility, and presents you to the world as a thought leader who has immense value to contribute. 

“I Just Don’t Have Time to Produce Content for My Business.”

Okay so now you know why you need content marketing, but how do you go about integrating it? Well, we understand that with your already busy schedule, time is most definitely an issue. This is where a dedicated content creator is a game-changer. 

Dedicated Content Creation

Imagine a collaboration where you don’t have to stress about creating content. Our dedicated content creators will bring your content marketing dreams to life without costing you your time. 

You won’t have to worry about how you’re going reach more customers, because a personalized content marketing strategy will be created for you. This means more time for you, and less time wrestling with content strategy. Plus, you won’t have to fret about making content, writing captions, and posting because we do all of that for you too. 

Say Hello to Subscription Freedom With Breezy Content

Contracts? Major commitments? Not our style. We’re here to be an extension of your team, offering the support you need without locking you into tricky agreements.

With our selection of monthly subscriptions that include a range of features, you can choose how complex of a plan you want. But don’t worry, if you don’t like working with us you can cancel at any time. 

We’re not just an outside vendor; we’re your partner in your content marketing journey. Your success is our success, and together, we’re breaking the mold of traditional content creation. Let’s leverage content marketing to showcase your expertise, connect with your audience, and increase your solopreneur success.

Ready to take the plunge? Let’s chat! Contact us today to get started. 

Ready to Launch a Content Marketing Plan for Your Small Business?


We know that carving out the time, resources, and energy to create ongoing content for your brand or business is a full-time job. That’s why we created Breezy – your instant content marketing team.

You don’t need to hire multiple full-time employees to handle all of the strategy, planning, writing, designing, and publishing of content. You also don’t have time to wrangle tons of different freelancers to get this all completed. You need one expert team that can help get all of the amazing thought-leadership and subject matter expertise out of your head and into formalized, engaging content that keeps you top of mind with your audience.

We’re that team!

See how we can help your small business, startup, or agency with a free consultation. 


"I highly recommend working for Breezy if you're just starting out as a content creator. It's a really great way to get your feet wet and see what types of clients you like working with."
Hannah Warren
Content Creator

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