
6 Content Marketing Ideas You Haven’t Tried Yet

Content Marketing Ideas

Content is king, and sometimes it’s a tyrant. You need more content because people consume more. No matter how many content marketing ideas you have, it seems like you’re always playing catch-up. You might not realize it, but your best solution is actually right in front of you.

You can repurpose content you’ve already created or create new dense content with the idea of repurposing it as well. We call this process content recycling. It isn’t about simple duplication and goes beyond merely reposting. This is an innovative way to get the most out of your valuable creative content. Check out the six methods listed below. They show how content recycling takes dense assets and turns them into multiple resources and valuable material.

6 Content Marketing Ideas You Haven’t Tried Yet

Take the main ideas from a blog post and turn them into a Reel.

You’ve already developed a rich source of content marketing ideas when you created your successful blog post. Now it’s time to take those ideas and put them to new use. Create a rich Reel or number of Reels based upon the thoughts of that previous post. If you’re creating a new post, then proceed with this same idea in mind.

Content Marketing Ideas

Track the success of the post and expand upon those successes with a Reel. Any related Reels breathe new life into the blog post. The two content sources feed upon and reinforce one another. Where before you had a single asset that had performed its function, you now have multiple assets that connect to build a larger audience.

Case studies of success stories with current or former clients.

Everyone likes a winning tale. Turn old triumphs into new stories by examining and highlighting what went right. Tooting your own horn becomes very acceptable when you use it as a lesson to teach others.

Content Marketing Ideas

Turn long-form content into infographics.

Everyone from Florence Nightingale to the ancient Egyptians has used the idea of creating graphics to tell a more compelling story. In today’s world, that means taking advantage of the visual power of the Internet. Your long-form content is packed with many interesting data points. Present that content in graphics form. Extrapolate from the long-form to create multiple infographics for new posts on a variety of platforms.

Content Marketing Ideas

Everything from Instagram stories to LinkedIn posts will be energized by the new infographics. As in the other examples, the new content interacts and reinforces the power of its parent container, as well as that of its siblings. Cross-pollination increases your marketing power by leveraging your established content in a new way.

Spice up your blog posts with more visuals.

Use graphics, photos and quick videos to increase the visual appeal. Those individual elements become content assets unto themselves, even as they enrich the blog. Disperse those elements among platforms where they have a natural fit (e.g. photos on Instagram, infographics to LinkedIn, etc.) The market saturation of these recycled content elements lets you get more use from your original creation.

Create Story series on different topics for Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

An idea recycled to become a new Story can serve as marketing content across multiple platforms. Even after the Story has seen its twenty-four cycle unfold, you can use the elements of it in different venues to expand upon its ideas and keep them current.

Share documents like Google Slide presentations on LinkedIn.

Create an interactive “swipe through” experience with the content. A rich presentation generated from recycled content can enliven your established ideas and give birth to new ones. All marketing is a way of reinforcing the primary story of a business while generating interest in what that business is doing today. That is the essence of what recycled content achieves. Your original creations spawn new avenues and contacts.

They make the onboarding process so easy and I never have to worry that the content won't be delivered , not have the SEO keywords or be published exactly how we discussed it. I am extremely pleased with every service I have received from the team.
Marni Hale
Marni Hale
Business and Marketing Consultant

Transformational Content Marketing for Coaches and Consultants: A Case Study

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