
3 Things You Should Know About Content Hubs

Establishing your brand, business, agency or even yourself as a thought leader is not always easy, but is certainly worth it.

But, you already know this!

By establishing yourself or your organization as an authority in your given industry, you will automatically garner more attention and traffic. This is a given, right? But, practically, how do you actually make it happen?

Creating thoughtful, valuable and unique content is certainly a great place to start, but developing tons of unique content every week is difficult. That’s why we’re huge fans of the Content Hub concept. Let’s explore how you can leverage content hubs for your content marketing efforts.

First things first: What is a Content Hub?

This definition from Neil Patel is one of the best we’ve heard:

A content hub is a destination where website visitors can find branded, curated, social media, user generated, or any type of content related to a topic.

This content can be curated from other great sources, created in-house, as well as taking on many different forms like blogs, articles, interactive quizzes or forms, infographics, social content, and more. This isn’t just a blog, or just a landing page – it is a calculated and intentional grouping of assets and content around a specific topic. This can look like a “microsite” or maybe it is a page. There are tons of ways you can create content hubs to fit your organization.

So, this begs the question: Why Are Content Hubs Beneficial?

While there are tons of benefits / things to know when it comes to creating content hubs, these are our top 3:

1. Improve search results: Google is only getting smarter and utilizing a semantic search approach more and more with their new initiative, Hummingbird. To boil this down simply, Google is no longer just looking at keywords, but the context of how those keywords are used as well as how people are searching for them. It’s no longer enough to just have the right keywords in your blog post. Quality and valuable content must be in every piece that you publish for it to really matter from an SEO standpoint.

2. Establish authority: This can happen by both establishing your brand as a leading voice on a particular topic or idea and in turn begins to make you a thought leader in your given industry. Becoming a thought leader and producing this kind of content, will only benefit your organization from an SEO and potential collaboration standpoint as well as driving traffic to your site.

3. Centralize your efforts: By combining all of your blog posts, info graphics, video, and social content in one place, you’re not only going to establish thought leadership, but you will keep visitors on your site for longer and keep them coming back for more.

Here’s an example: Your organization knows and creates a ton of content around the idea of leadership development. If someone is searching for leadership development content and they stumble upon your content hub full of articles, quizzes, videos, social shares and more – they are going to stay for a long time and not only will they stay to take in more, they will likely revisit and share with others in their life that could be interested.

It’s already becoming a best practice.

Most people would agree that creating on-going, quality content is a given for any business or organization. Content marketing still matters and is crucial to educate, engage, and earn leads. The same is becoming true of content hubs – essentially an extension of content marketing.

Over 60% of the B2B brands in Kapost 50 leverage a “content hub” approach to publishing assets. – Kapost

After reading this, you may be thinking “That’s sounds great, but I haven’t even found a sustainable and scalable way to create consistent content to even fill a content hub. We get it – it’s why we created ezContent after all. For an affordable and scalable solution to content creation, check out our monthly plans.

"I highly recommend working for Breezy if you're just starting out as a content creator. It's a really great way to get your feet wet and see what types of clients you like working with."
Hannah Warren
Content Creator

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